Labour market > In day-to-day work

Here are tips on how to make the daily, steady flow of your working life satisfying for you and your employer.
Everyday life in professional employment runs - as the name says - mostly everyday so much and just off. You come to work, fulfil the tasks asked of you, go home after work and at the end of the month, you will receive your salary. But grade this every day and felt always same has quite a danger or at least there are basic things that you should consider and take into account.
Especially with very monotonous work or very one-sided loads E.g. by constant sitting or standing, constant watching on a monitor, etc. you should treat yourself and your body regular breaks. Breaks for employees are legally required in Germany and should be communicated as part of the employment contract with the setting.
No matter the workday is certainly often as stressful, always make sure, to create an appropriate balance for themselves. Most of the nowadays diagnosed nervous disorders are lead back to stress or overload in the professional environment.
Even if your work makes you a lot of fun and have a loose, almost friendly relationship, with your colleagues, it remains nevertheless a working relationship. You are employed in the first place, the applied working to meet. This should be reflected in dealing with colleagues, superiors and customers.
A stroke of luck can be nowadays to find a comfortable job with correspondingly good remuneration. Can be used but for fear of possibly losing the job, yet not from you and not sell under value. Especially people who are not long in jobs or were long-term unemployed, tend sometimes to and unfortunately be treated inappropriately by some employers.
Basically you should see it as in the everyday work that a job is always a give and take between you and the employer. This means that both sides should have the desire and the positive attitude that everything is working as smoothly as possible and without problems for you and your employer well.