About the Welcome App Germany > Participation in the Project

How can I become a part of the project? What kind of support is needed?
Do you like the Welcome App Germany project? Would you like to contribute to the further expansion and enhancement of user benefits? Every support enhances the orientation and integration of asylum seekers and migrants from all over the world as well as for visitors in Germany.
First and foremost, the Welcome App should achieve the widest possible distribution in the sense of everyone, for whom the system is intended. To achieve this goal, we aim to work together with as many authorities, institutions and associations as possible, who are committed to refugees.
We are grateful if you draw the attention of the people in your environment to this project - whether through direct conversations, editorial reporting or even via social media. The spread of our postcards and announcements in the right places helps the people who arrive here. This way the app reaches exactly the users it was developed for.
For companies which are willing to help, we have created an opportunity to provide financial support for their cities and regions through sponsoring. You thereby promote the value of the Welcome App for your region and receive recognition for your commitment by placing your logo. Cooperation is possible for various topics, which may be missing in the app or should be more detailed. Feel free to contact us.
We are most happy when cities and counties would like to become part of the Welcome App with their local contact partners. This way we can extend the range of our multimedia system for all user groups. The participating cities and counties are also impulses for content extensions and thus influence continuous improvement. The regions also receive distribution material in the appearance of their region, which can be used for the dissemination work.