Asylum System > Accommodation

Who can I ask about housing?
Upon arrival in Germany you will be accommodated for a transitional period in a reception center. This initial reception centers are often mass accommodation, in which a first basic service is ensured. This means that you might have to spend some time in tent camps or halls with many other people. They will supply you with regular meals, sleeping accommodation, clothing and emergency medical care. The initial reception centers are usually looked after by non-profit organizations. You can talk to a competent supervisor at any time if you should have problems or questions. You are obliged to live in the assigned accommodation.
After some time, the social security office will assign you to an accommodation center, where you will live together with other asylum seekers. These are special houses made available for the asylum seekers where you might have to share the room with other people. There are several common areas that you share with others. In coexistence, it is important to know the house rules in the accommodation centers. They hold rules about different subject like rest periods, cleaning, dealing with furniture, hygiene and in particular coexistence with others. Please keep in mind that you are in Germany as a guest. There are people who show skeptical and rude behavior against asylum seekers because of prejudice. The better you behave in the lodging, the less reasons the residents have for this prejudice. Keep in mind that you have to follow German law even as a guest.
If you like to move into an own apartment, you must submit an application to the Social Welfare Office. Private accommodations are usually only provided in special cases. Especially families with children, employed and people with severe disease have a good chance to get a flat.
The following rules have to be followed above that:
- read post of authorities immediately
- Keep windows and doors closed when heating
- be sparing with water and electricity
- Separate waste
How do I get to the initial reception center?
Wie gelange ich zur Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung?
I live in ... (Street of initial reception center).
Ich wohne in der ... (Straße der Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung).
I am accommodated in a gym.
Ich bin in einer Turnhalle untergebracht.
I am accommodated in a container.
Ich bin in einem Container untergebracht.
I am accommodated in a tent.
Ich bin in einem Zelt untergebracht.
I am accommodated in a house.
Ich bin in einem Haus untergebracht.
I live in ... (Street of Communal Accommodation).
Ich wohne in der ... (Straße der Gemeinschaftsunterkunft).
My address is ... (Street, Street number of the Communal Accommodation)
Meine Anschrift lautet ... (Straße, Hausnummer der Gemeinschaftsunterkunft).
Who can help me with questions and problems?
Wer kann mir bei Fragen und Problemen weiterhelfen?
Please show me, ...
Bitte zeigen Sie mir, ...
... where I can eat.
... wo ich essen kann.
... where I can sleep.
... wo ich schlafen kann.
... where I can go to the toilet.
... wo ich zur Toilette gehen kann.
... where I can wash myself/ shower.
... wo ich mich waschen/ duschen kann.
... where I can buy toiletries.
... wo ich Hygieneartikel kaufen kann.
Where is ...
Wo ist ...
... the kitchen/ food distribution?
... die Küche/ Essensausgabe?
... the toilet?
... die Toilette?
... the bathroom/ washroom?
... das Bad / der Duschraum?
... the common room?
... der Gemeinschaftsraum?
... the prayer room?
... der Gebetsraum?
Where can I wash my clothes?
Wo kann ich meine Wäsche waschen?
There is something broken in my accommodation.
In meiner Unterkunft ist etwas kaputt.
Please come with me to my accommodation.
Bitte kommen Sie mit in meine Unterkunft.
I would like to show you something.
Ich möchte Ihnen etwas zeigen.
I would like to report something/ a problem.
Ich möchte etwas/ ein Problem melden.